How You Can Get Involved.

  • Invest Financially

    Financial contributions support our fieldwork and provide the funding to accomplish our mission through various initiatives. You can give monthly, one-time, or participate in specific fundraising campaigns. Start giving today.

  • Share the Rise Up Story.

    Rise Up uses social media platforms to share updates and the impact of our work. It's the fastest way to hear, read, and see what's happening and being planned. We'd love for you to share our Facebook and Instagram feeds to help engage more people.

  • Invest Your Time and Talents.

    Much of our work is accomplished through volunteer team members. From time to time, we need administrative help, such as stuffing and mailing letters, editing training manuals, graphic design, hosting a Rise Up booth at an event or in a church, and ways we probably haven’t even thought of yet. If you have time and want to get involved, let us know by filling out the information below.

  • Become a Prayer Partner.

    We believe in the power of community and prayer. We’d love for you to consider coming alongside our teams, field partners, and participants in our training programs through prayer. When you join our prayer team, you’ll receive prayer requests for specific projects and be paired with one of the trainees or students.

  • Host a Gathering.

    Sharing stories and breaking bread together is one of our favorite things to do. If you enjoy organizing events, have an eye for detail, or love getting people together, consider helping us host an event at your church, neighborhood, or with your friends and family. We’d love for one of our team members to join you and your friends to introduce Rise Up and share updates.

  • Travel with a Team.

    From time to time, we are able to invite individuals to travel with a team. Please let us know if you are interested in traveling to Rwanda or Kenya.

  • What Else?

    Maybe we haven’t thought of the creative way you can be involved and serve alongside Rise Up. Please tell us your ideas. We’d love to hear from you.