Enhancing the Girls’ School

The Institute of Women for Excellence (IWE) recently received much-needed renovations, including brand new textbooks, and is now undergoing construction of new restrooms!

The arrival of textbooks represents a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to improve educational outcomes and provide students with the tools they need to succeed. These textbooks will enrich the curriculum and empower teachers to deliver high-quality education that inspires curiosity, fosters critical thinking, and ignites a passion for learning in every student.

In addition to the new textbooks, the new restrooms will provide dignity, promote health, enhance the school's infrastructure, and create a more conducive learning environment for students. As renovations improve the facilities, more students will attend, which will ultimately provide ongoing sustainability at IWE.

We are so excited about these renovations!


More Piglets = More Lives Changed


A Maasai Follow Up