A Maasai Follow Up

Our Kenyan field partners recently followed up with the Maasai women who are part of the Women’s Leadership Training. These sessions have had a profound impact on the lives of participants, fostering healing, reconciliation, and positive change.

One inspiring story comes from Elizabeth, who bravely shared her journey of forgiveness and reconciliation. Elizabeth recounted how, through prayer and reflection, she learned to work towards reconciliation with her daughter-in-law, despite past conflicts.

She expressed, "After much prayer and fasting, I was able to forgive my daughter-in-law for her hostility and for turning my son against me. After I forgave her, I started providing them with milk each morning because they did not have a cow yet. I would put the milk at her door because I knew she would not ignore the milk. Now she has started talking to me, and we are okay!"

Elizabeth's story is a powerful testament to the transformative power of forgiveness and reconciliation. Her willingness to extend grace and compassion has not only helped to heal past wounds but has also restored a fractured relationship and fostered a sense of peace and understanding.

Celebrating Transformation

It is incredibly encouraging to hear reports like Elizabeth's from the field, demonstrating the profound impact of our trauma-healing sessions on individuals, families, and communities. These stories of transformation remind us of the resilience of the human spirit and the capacity for positive change, even in the face of adversity.

As we continue our work in trauma healing and reconciliation, we are committed to empowering individuals like Elizabeth to find healing, restoration, and hope in the midst of their pain.

Together, we can create a world where forgiveness, compassion, and reconciliation are possible.


Enhancing the Girls’ School


A Trauma Workshop in Baringo